
It takes many repetitions to form a habit, but only a few to earn a reputation.

Training ourselves takes time — especially if what we’re doing requires effort or discomfort.

Showing up on time, eating healthy foods, eschewing local gossip … these things call for intention and commitment. And it can take a while to lock in.

It only takes a few instances, however, for others to tag us with such attributes. (If we’re seen jogging just one time, someone’s likely to call us a runner.)

But it works the other way, too. Checking a text while on the road? We’re a dangerous driver. “Late twice” might as well be “always late.” Forgetting a task a few times, and “unreliable” or “absentminded” are likely monikers.

Whether we’ve developed a reputation or not — laudable or wanting — we can begin to string together positive behaviors any time we choose. The feet our ours to point in a direction, and we’re always the one to take the next step.
