Something funky
“Something funky happened on your blog today!”
A good friend sent me a text and a screenshot. He had noticed what others had noticed: some odd extraneous text in the Savenwood blog email.
Here’s what happened. Earlier, I had created a draft post to show some colleagues my process. I deleted the draft, but somehow it still found its way into the feed and Mailchimp sent it along with the daily post. Sorry if that caused some head scratching on your end.
It pains me when these things happen, but they do happen. And there are things to learn.
One, if deleting something is important, check the trash can. Shred it. Get rid of it. Be sure you have clear division between what’s good and what’s in the discard pile.
Two, be gentle on yourself. Snafus happen. It’s how we deal with them that matters.
Three, be grateful for good friends (like my friend Ryan). Not everyone will pay close enough attention to notice your errors. And the people that do notice something funky won’t always say something (for good reasons). But it’s a gift when you have an inner circle — like the friend who can quietly pull you aside to say you have something in your teeth.
(Hey. You’ve got something there. No, other side. Yep. Got it.)