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Found time

If you planned to attend a two-hour event ... and it’s cancelled at the last minute ... what happens with that time?

Does that now-empty slot on your schedule fill itself with a scroll through the internet? An episode on Netflix? A trashy novel? A celebrity news feed?

Or does it become a fog where you’re not really sure how the time slips by?

In 1665, when Trinity College sent students home during the Great Plague of London, Isaac Newton worked on math problems which would become early calculus, as well as theories on optics and gravity. Yes, that theory on gravity.

We’re facing weeks, and potentially months of closures, cancellations, and schedule adjustments. Health and safety is our primary concern. But beyond that, many of us will have new, unoccupied time slots on our calendars.

How will we bring intention to that time? And how will we bring the best of who we are to our new schedules?

Lots of things are on pause, but we don’t have to be.

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