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When you can’t fix it

Sometimes we make a mistake that we can’t fix. We make an error. There’s an accident. We’re careless. Something happens, we’re at fault, and there’s no “undo”. This can happen in many ways, big and small.

How do we move forward? (“Forward” is an important word since going back in time — though quite desirable — is never an option.)

So, what to do?

One, we sincerely apologize … if that’s even an option. Two, we do whatever we can to not repeat the error. And three, we move forward in a way that’s worthy of someone who knows that mistakes happen, and who knows the awful sting of regret. To honestly lean into that third element means having a heart of forgiveness and understanding when we’re on the other side of the equation.

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Post script: in thinking about this a bit more, it’s worth mentioning: forgiving yourself — the idea of self-compassion — that’s also an important step. That one might even be the most difficult.

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