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We live in a world of filters, makeup, and costume. Strategic angles and careful lighting.

When it’s overdone or clumsy, I like to joke, “Your profile picture has something in common with mine: neither one looks like you.”

Photo filters are quite common. It won't be long before we see optional audio-enhancing filters on phones. Why not make your voice sweeter, deeper, or more buttery-sounding in order to match your digitally smoothed skin and portrait-optimized lighting?

All fine. Filter as much as you’d like.

However, don't forget that there can be beauty in uniqueness. Allure in what’s slightly different.

Recall some of the iconic beauty marks throughout history. The radio voices with a signature vocal fry. Singers with a telltale inflection. Writers with a notable, unusual style.

Filters can be great. But be careful about filtering yourself into a beautiful, yet unremarkable average.